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Wednesday  19  December  1883
Casualties at Sea 
The enquiry into the loss of the St Leonards  will not be held until December.

The Glenora,  Captain Scotland,  from Auckland,  reached the docks on 8 November after a capital run home of 74 days  from Auckland.

The Edwin Fox,  Captain Colville,  from the Bluff,  which has been waiting at Falmouth for orders since 14 October  came on to London a few days ago, 
reaching the docks on 5 November.  The Edwin Fox  was 115 days  getting home.  She left New Zealand  on 22 June,  rounded the Horn on 5 August, 
crossed the line on 6 September and sighted the English Coast on 14 October.

The Merope,  also from Bluff,  experienced some very heavy weather during the  early past of the passage.  Captain Sutherland reports sailing on 15 August,  meeting with a severe gale on the 25th of the same month,  in the course of which a sea carried away the wheel.  Rounded Cape Horn on 9 September  and
2 days later a heavy sea swept her fore and aft,  stoving in  the cabin skylights and flooding the saloon.  After this the voyage was pleasant and uneventful.

The sailing of the Northumberland   is postponed till 30 November in order to permit the vessel  being fitted with refrigerators.

Mr Vesey Stewart's party seems to have dwindled into nothingness,  for I cannot learn that any of  the passengers  are positively  going to settle in Tepuke.

Nothing further has been done towards floating the Rotorua Railway Company.  I saw Mr Vesey Stewart yesterday  and he stated the prospectus  would not be issued until 2 of the directorate  at present out of town,  returned,  and he added he didn't know when this would be.  Mr Stewart intended to return to New
Zealand  via America,  taking care to be in Auckland before the Northumberland arrived.

The Lyttelton,  Captain Strange,  from Port Chalmers,  arrived at the docks on 5 November with a cargo of frozen meat,  consisting of 6500  carcasse of
 mutton  and a few rabbits.  Owing to some hitch in connection with one of the engines,  the chambers had not,  last night (7 November)  been opened; so I
am unable to say in what condition the meat is.  The engineer states that the average temperature of the chambers  was 20o  Fahr.  which sounds far too high. 
They were,  however,  at times down to 4 or 5 deg.  below zero.  The Lyttelton made the smart run Home of 72 days.

The Gateside,  Captain Maitland,  from Lyttelton,  arrived yesterday afternoon (7 November)  at Gravesend,  after a passage of 94 days.  On 12 August in
a heavy gale the Gateside  shipped a tremdous sea,  which smashed the wheel and wheel box,  and did a lot of minor damage

The Dunscore from Lyttelton has also arrived,  but not in dock yet.

The Elizabeth Graham,  sailing for the Bluff  on 28 October  had only one family (7 persons named Hadden)  as passengers.

Several passengers are booked through to New Zealand by tomorrow's (8 Nov.)  P. and O. steamer  the Paramatta.  Amongst others I may mention Mrs
and Miss McDonald  for Auckland.  Mr, Mrs  and Miss Leslie,  for Dunedin,  Mr and Mrs Alyons  are booked for Lyttelton  by the P and O.  boat on
22 November.

The Agent General is sending out a lot of partridges  to the Nelson Acclimatisation Society.

The delay in the despatch of the torpedo boats is owing to some alterations in their structure  having been found necessary.  Nothing seems to be fixed as to
the ships which are to carry them out.

The Agent General informs me that the Bombay,  sailing from Plymouth  for Wellington  on the 26th inst.  will take out 220  Government immigramts. 

The Northumberland,  due to leave London on the 28th  for Auckland,  also carries 120 Government immigrants.

In Future immigrants  will be despatched from Blackwall  (on the Thames,  near London)  instead of from the Plymouth barracks  as heretofore.  This alteration  is attributed to revelations in connection with the Oxford's passengers,  many of whom,  you may remember,  caught typhoid fever,  owing to the wretched arrangements at Plymouth.

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Beverley Evans
Christchurch  NZ
31 January  2009